Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cheney: "She's a Good Candidate"

My how times change. Dick Cheney and George W. Bush have endorsed the selection of Sarah Palin, for better or for worse. We knew about Bush's 'endorsement' from the convention when he addressed the crowd via Satelite. This is the first we've heard from the Dark Lord, I mean Vice President, however. From The Trail:

"We've had all kinds of vice presidents over the years. Everybody brings a different set of experiences to the office and also a different kind of understanding with whoever the president is," Cheney told the group of reporters traveling with him in Rome.

"Each administration is different," added Cheney, whose long experience in Washington before becoming Bush's running mate laid the groundwork for his role as one of the most powerful vice presidents in history.

"And there's no reason why Sarah Palin can't be a successful vice president in a McCain administration. It won't look exactly like the Bush administration or the first Bush administration, the Ford administration. It'll be relatively unique to this president and this time that they're in office."

He goes on to say:

"I think she's a good candidate, and I don't see any reason why she can't be an effective vice president."

That seem to run around the experience issue. He seemed to have a very different idea of how important experience and preparation were four years ago.

It's a very significant responsibility when you consider that at a moment's notice you may have to take over as president of the United States and make all of those decisions. It's happened several times in our history.

And I think that probably is the most important consideration in picking a vice president, somebody who could take over.

- Vice President Dick Cheney, October 5, 2004, The Cheney-Edwards Vice Presidential Debate

I guess ignoring facts are not the only thing that neo-conservative Republicans are good at. Ignoring ability, as has also been evidenced by the Bush administration with Mike Brown and Alberto Gonzales, is also a hallmark trait. At least, when it comes to their own.

Now, considering the Vice-President's popularity is somewhere south of even his boss, I don't know if this help or hinders McCain Palin. Given how happy they were to keep George W. Bush and Dick Cheney away from St. Paul, MN, it may be that they aren't all that happy that they are talking about this now either. It sure isn't helping to sway me to the cause.

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

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