Here we go folks, let's listen to Hillary in Florida:
Now, here is what I said on August 29, after Sarah Palin's introduction speech:
The fact that she had the gall to bring up Hillary's 18 million cracks! OMG! If Hillary wasn't invested in Obama before, she sure as hell will be now! Hillary will work overtime to make sure that ceiling holds for at least four more years.
I think that the 18 million cracks reference was a serious tactical mistake by the McCain campaign. Did they vet the speech? Did they think Hillary would take that sitting down?
I think Hillary will volunteer herself for attacking this one personally now. She may not have been a willing attack dog before but look out now. No half term governor, former mayor of a city of less than 9,000 people is going to hijack what she started, after all the time and effort she put into this, especially if she will not benefit from it.
Here is where is begins. She will not attack her as a woman. She will attack her ideas. She will attack them mercilessly. She will attack them more often and more intensely than she would have if John McCain had picked anybody else.
That is not being petty. This woman represents absolutely none of the values that Hillary Clinton has based her career on. They are diametrically opposed. That is why she will campaign, and campaign hard for Barack Obama now.
What I really love is that she is not directly calling out Sarah Palin on adopting her "18 million cracks" line in that speech. The Democrats have learned so much. It almost makes me want to cry.
They are staying on message. The message is voting for McCain/Palin is four more years of Bush/Cheney (albeit without the Dark Lord himself). And they are staying on that message. No distractions.
And now, because of Governor Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton will also be pounding that message home for the next 2 months. It's amazing.
Will wonders never cease?
Comments welcome,
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