Tim Graham, of the Media Research Center, was on Fox and Friends this fine morning. He decided to, while piling on the criticism of NBC and MSNBC, refer to Rachel Maddow as, "this lesbian Air America radio host, Rachel Maddow."
Here, have a look see:
Do I have to explain the problem here? This guy is the "Director of Media Analysis" for this outfit?
You know, I will admit MediaMatters has a left slant, duh, but I have never heard anyone associated with them resort to that type of base name calling.
Rachel Maddow would eat this guy for lunch in any battle of wits.
Remember, it's the bullies that resort to name calling because they fear they are inferior to the name call'ee'. If it weren't so offensive, if the wonderful, family values people of Fox and Friends didn't chortle when he said it, I'd say ignore it. But it was that offensive, and those family values people did chortle instead of saying, "Whoa! Hold on!"
So, have at all of you!
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
6 hours ago