Friday, October 3, 2008

Uh oh.

This can't be good (for certain Republicans with national office aspirations). The judge in Alaska just told the five Republicans trying to stop the "Troopergate" probe to piss off (AP):

Judge Peter Michalski on Thursday threw out the lawsuit filed by five Republican state legislators who claimed the investigation had been manipulated by Palin enemies who wanted to produce a damaging report just weeks before Election Day. Their attorney, Kevin Clarkson, said the legislative body that ordered the investigation had exceeded its authority.

But Michalski agreed with defense attorney Peter Maassen, who argued that the Legislature has broad authority to investigate the governor. The mere appearance of impropriety does not mean any individual's right to fairness was violated, Michalski wrote in his decision.

"It is legitimately within the scope of the legislature's investigatory power to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the termination (of) a public officer the legislature had previously confirmed," the judge wrote.

As you can see on the right, Governor Sarah Palin is considering alternate strategies for solving this problem.

It in the meantime, Steve Branchflower, the investigator that the Alaska State Legislature hired to investigate this, is expected to turn in his report next week on October 10.

Just curious, will we ever have a slow news week again? Ever?

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.

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