Friday, October 3, 2008

Let me see....

There is some buzz over the fact that Sarah Palin seems to have extensively used notes during last night's debate. Think Progress has a good post and video compliation:

Andrew Sullivan wonders if the candidates were allowed to bring in scripts?

I expect to see more on this. Wouldn't this normally be pounced upon? Can you imagine John Edwards or Joe Leiberman or Jack Kemp having a "script" at the lectern with them? Would would the media do with that? I know we're kinda offering a little bit of a mulligan here but c'mon!

I be less annoyed if she had actually answered more of Gwen Ifill's questions. But as I said last night, Joe Biden was debating a stump speech and that point is truer than ever.

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.

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