Friday, September 5, 2008

Nancy Wilson's pissed

Ann and Nancy Wilson, the sister's who formed the core of the rock band Heart, issued a statement yesterday afternoon angrily denouncing the use of their song Barracuda on Wednesday night for Governor Sarah PalinEW has this story.

Well, the Republicans used it again last night after Governor Palin joined Senator John McCain after the completion of his speech. Boy was Nancy pissed. She and Ann issued another joint statement:

"Sarah Palin's views and values in NO WAY represent us as American women. We ask that our song 'Barracuda' no longer be used to promote her image......"

I'd print more of the statement, but EW is saying that the statement is 'exclusive', which, though it strikes me as vaguely absurd, I will avoid any issues there.

I had known about the Wilsons displeasure with the use of Barracuda before last nights speech. There were even rumors of a cease and desist letter being sent but that does not appear to be the case. I did, therefore find it odd that they would continue to use it.

Isn't Sarah Palin getting enough bad press? Does she have to go and steal a song from Heart?

Why can't politicians use songs from people who like them? Ronald Reagan used Born in the USA for his 1984 campaign despite the fact that a)Bruce Springsteen hated him and b) if you ever listened to the lyrics beyond the "Born in the USA" part, it was a completely inappropriate song for his candidacy anyway!

It's amusing that Republicans, in particular, like to use songs that have lyrics that denigrate many of the same things that they stand for. It's like they can't be bothered to listen. Hey, wait a minute, there might be a theme there.....

Can we please get permission for this stuff people! Everyone else has to do it. You aren't above everyone else.

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

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