LiberalViewer has posted a video of John McCain and his (well, not just his) premise that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles.
Liberal viewer points out, quite correctly via Thomas Jefferson himself, that our country was founded on English common law principles which significantly predate the introduction of Christianity (or Judaism for that matter) to the British Isles.
I think that LiberalViewer is correct in positing that Sen. John McCain was pandering to the audience in Pastor Rick Warren's church. (As he was with the forcefulness of his abortion answers as well.) I also agree that the example that he shows of Sen. Barack Obama in a speech in a Baptist church both was more inclusive and is more indicative of the inclusiveness most Americans feel our leader should show.
I could really get into this on a lot of different fronts including the interesting religious views of the founding fathers. From George Washington's somewhat deistic tendencies to John Adams Unitarianism and, of course, Thomas Jefferson's bible. They all considered themselves christians. However, none of them, indeed, very few of any of the founding fathers, would recognize today's evangelicalism as something close to their own beliefs. They would never have imagined instructing someone on how to live their lives and pray to their God. Indeed, a founding principle of this country was to avoid exactly that.
I digress.
The video provokes discussion however. Particularly on the different styles/views of the the two main candidates for president. Do you have a view on the video? This post?
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
39 minutes ago