Not only has the number of Republicans voting in Democratic races spiked since John McCain secured his nomination, but so has the number of them voting for Clinton. And get this -- a large part of her GOP base rated her unfavorably in exit polls, saying they'd be dissatisfied if she won the Presidency. Look inside for the full statistical analysis.
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Yes indeedy! We're supposed to believe that Rush Limbaugh is powerful enough to screw up the Democratic Party. As if we aren't are perfectly capable of that on our own!
This is really starting to sound like a lot of 'blame preparation' for the possibility of the doo-doo hitting the fan over the next couple of months. C'mon! Rush Limbaugh?!
Even if Hillary Clinton won all these contests, by wide margins, Barack Obama is still going to lead in delegate count going to Denver. Conversely, if Barack Obama improved his mark by 7-10% in all of these contests, he is still not going to pull away from Hillary enough to push her out of the race.
This is a lot of noise. Thanks for giving Rush the publicity (he sure doesn't need any more) and much more credit than he deserves. His ego is not nearly big enough.
Comments welcome,
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