Here is the guy who is responsible for the bailout failure trying to spin the blame:
Nice, huh? So you get to blame Nancy Pelosi for the fact that you guys:
- screwed everything up with your deregulation
- screwed everything up with your lack of oversight on the regulation that was left
- continue to screw everything up by prefering to let everything melt down than pass something that your administration says will help.
The Democrats are talking partisan. You, John Boehner, are acting partisan.
Assuming we don't get thrown back to the stone age, history will show that both sides did stupid stuff here but one party actually let everything go to complete hell because their feelings were hurt.
Oh, and buy the way, twelve more votes still wouldn't have given the eighty that you promised John, which was down from the 100 that the Democrats originally insisted on.
Finally, I don't think that it helped that Roy Blunt was back there smirking the entire time before he spoke. If he wasn't smirking, than I guess he is even more obnoxious looking than usual today.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
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