I am not sure what to make of this. Gawker.com claims to have copies of screenshots from Sarah Palin's personal Yahoo email account which is alledged to have been hacked into last night.
Sarah Palin's Personal Emails
I give you the link for your perusal although I don't vouch for the authenticity.
It does seem like a legit story. That would bring up a number of questions.
First, why would you do this? This is almost certainly going to have an initial consequence of generating sympathy for Sarah Palin. It will not, and does not appear to, be a smoking gun.
Second, why the heck did she have the accounts deleted! She is under investigation. Whether either or both of those accounts were public record is still being debated in legal circles. Until it is decided, they can't be deleted! That's destruction of evidence.
Certainly, deleting the "business" account, which by the way, was not apparently hacked, would be willful destruction of public documents, unless she downloaded everything first. And in a verifiable way.
Of course, all of this is rumor and conjecture at the moment. But, like I said, this looks legit.
Update: it is also on Wikileaks.
Update 2: Apparently, John Aravosis at AmericaBlog had this around 12:30pm too. He also doesn't seem to know for sure if it's real or hoax.
Comments welcome,
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