Friday, September 26, 2008

Blunt: McCain "stopped a deal"

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John Aravosis has a good post over at AmericaBlog about an interview with Roy Blunt (R-MO) that Andrea Mitchell did earlier today. Read this:

"I do think that John McCain was very helpful in what he did. I saw him this morning, we've been talking with his staff. Clearly, yesterday, his position in that discussion yesterday was one that stopped a deal from, uh, finalizing that no House Republican, in my view, would've been for."

John is spot on in his analysis:

McCain was "helpful," Blunt says, because McCain killed the deal - he didn't help get a deal, he helped kill it. That isn't a maverick bringing everyone together, it's an erratic, confused bull in a China shop doing what his trigger-happy gut tells him (if I may mix my metaphors).

Now if only the rest of the MSM broadcasts something similar. (Yes, I know, you are now saying something about pigs with lipstick flying. Funny ha-ha.)

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.

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