Here is the skit John McCain did on May 17, 2008 on Saturday Night Live:
You really have to wonder if he would do that, or will do that again. I don't think he really wants to attract any more attention to his age at this point for obvious reasons. It was alright when he locked up the Republican nomination and was still going to select somebody on who would be ready on day one. But...
Speaking of the obvious reason, do you think Tina Fey might consider coming back for two months just to parody Governor Sarah Palin? Can you think of anyone better? Sure, Amy Poehler is still there, and her abilities are beyond question, but, c'mon, Tina would still be better!
Gotta wonder exactly how much McCain/Palin will be able to poke fun at themselves without feeling self-conscious. That arena may belong exclusively to the Obama/Biden campaign this fall.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Little Buddy
1 hour ago