Friday, September 19, 2008

Race card? Not.

Karen Tumulty thinks this John McCain ad "played the race card":

Andrew Sullivan disagrees.

I wasn't sure about this claim. After all I don't particularly think that Barack Obama and Franklin Raines look 'sinister' as Tumulty comments. Michael Goldfarb has a rebuttal, albeit tinged with some hysteria, that makes some sense. I'd really like it if someone had a timeline for when the following video, the Jim Johnson ad, was posted, because I swear this video wasn't out until people started ripping into the Raines ad. It appears to have been posted several hours later, not at the same time (and, no, I am not insinuating that Goldfarb said it was the same time).

Either way, I think the "Fact Check" commercial had more racial overtones, as I stated at the time. (Although I still want to know why on earth they would bring up wolves with her record on that, lord only knows.) Here is that video, just for good measure:

Let's just stop looking for the race card. If and when it is played it will not be something we need to work on discerning.

I think it is just stupid that they used Franklin Raines. Listen to their justification on this (from Michael Goldfarb's post):

So we contacted Ms. Tumulty and told her of the multiple sources that tie Raines to Obama, including three separate instances in the Washington Post, none of which was ever challenged by Raines or the Obama campaign until yesterday.

Are any of those sources not the Washington Post? If so, would you mind informing the rest of the world. Beyond that, since when do you have to deny every minute untrue detail that is printed in every paper in order to make sure you are not associated with something.

You mean, if I slip an ad in the Classified section of the WaPo saying that John McCain has a standing invitation for Kim Jong Il to visit Sedona, print it three times over the course of a couple of months, and you guys don't deny it, it's true! Cool!!

Before that, he actually had the balls to say this:

Tumulty also takes Obama’s response, signed by Mr. Raines, at face value.

We are supposed to assume they are lying? How about you? Your campaign hasn't earned any 'truth' awards lately.

This is just like those crappy reporters who can't be bothered to pick up a phone to call someone and get a confirmation or denial. Basic crap folks. LOTS of reporters don't do this anymore. I don't know why on earth I would expect a major party presidential campaign to do that if the reporters can't be bothered to.

I think I agree with Sullivan, no racism here. But it all is really stupid.

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.

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