The Sarah Palin Introductory video that didn't get to air last night:
(Note: I orginally posted the official RNC video of the speech. But since UStream, what they use instead of YouTube, likes to behave funny, like play automatically instead of having to be manually started, I have replaced it. I apologize for any annoyance. I will never trust the Republicans to use modern technology again.)
My first thought is that this looks like a spoof. Part of the problem is the production values. It's a glorified slide show/powerpoint presentation.
My second thought is, this isn't getting any better.
Third thought, maybe having to drop this 'video' from the prime network slot of 10-11 EDT wasn't any accident last night. If it was, I think that John McCain and Sarah Palin benefited from it not airing.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Saturday Evening
4 hours ago