Here, via TPM, is Nancy Pelosi's full speech:
Here is what, presumably, is the offending portion of Nancy Pelosi's speech:
Here is Barney Frank and Rahm Emanuel responding to the Republicans:
You really can't describe it much better than Barney Frank did: "...and because somebody hurt their feelings they decided to punish the country."
Listen to the speech. Nancy Pelosi was probably a bit more partisan than she might have been but she was attacking Bush and the administration. Suddenly John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor and company are going to stand up for George W. Bush? You have to be kidding me!
Really?! How do you think this is going to play on Main St.? You really think that they aren't going to blame Bush for this crap happening too? You want to defend him? Guess who they will identify you with?
The Republicans should have thought this through a little more carefully. This could turn what was a bad election for them into a landslide. And since they threw the 'you are being partisan' crap first, it's now open season.
Maybe the House Republicans have "John McCain on the brain." This stunt has him written all over it. Country first, my a$$.
Hopefully, somewhere in the midst of all of this, we find a way to avoid Great Depression II.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.
Sunday Night
5 hours ago