Exactly what else would you expect Barack Obama to say.
He cannot say anything other than that. He, I am sure, truly believes that. I would love for today's media to be like that.
This story will keep going though. It doesn't need any fuel from the Obama campaign. It doesn't even need the blogosphere of the left to fuel it. The media, for better or worse, will pursue it.
Again, as I said at the end of my previous post, I cannot understand how John McCain and Sarah Palin could not have understood this. These are professional politicians. They don't understand that the media is going to grab and hold on to the pregnant 17 year old daughter of the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate presumptive? Have they ever heard of Jamie Lynn Spears?
Sure, you say, that's tabloid crap! Um, this is a presidential election. The mainstream media let the National Enquirer beat them on the John Edwards affair. They aren't going to let the tabloids be the only ones with stories on this.
Sad, but true, this will be an ongoing story. Again, if McCain-Palin didn't know this, they have bad judgement. If they did, well, it is worse than just bad judgement.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Sunday Night
8 hours ago