Alright, apparently we can all save the jet fuel and skip flying to Mississippi. John McCain won the debate.
Who says Thomas Dewey has a lock on premature celebration? There's another idiotic Republican in town Tom and he's looking to make you look like a friggin' genius.
They were brilliant enough to run the ad on the Washington Post. THIS MORNING! You know, when we were still playing the 'Doe's John McCain even know how to get to Mississippi' game? Wow.
Is it just me, or are you all looking for someone that resembles either Robert De Niro or Dustin Hoffman when looking at campaign pictures too. You know, just lurking around the edge, not being conspicuous.
Nah. I'm just paranoid. Of course, if McCain starts muttering anything about 'Old Shoe' while he's up there tonight, well, I might just need a drink.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.
2 hours ago