The Washington Independent via TPM:
Every once in awhile, though, something pops up and grabs your attention. Take, for example, Wasilla City Council Informational Memorandum 99-62, prepared on June 14, 1999. This little gem outlines some of the state-funded projects that Wasilla City secured that year, including $1.2 million for storm water treatment and $605,000 for pedestrian pathways.
Then, slapped in the margin, former Mayor Sarah Palin — reformer extraordinaire — scribbled the following message:FYI This does not include our nearly one million Dollars from the Feds for our Airport Paving Project.
We did well!!!
Yes they have evidence.
Great reformer credentials? No doubt more evidence of her zeal for earmarks, when she was Governor of Alaska, before she was against them, will turn up. Obviously, she didn't greatly dislike them as mayor. Great work.
Comments welcome,
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