Remember when you got to bring your Dad to that followup interview at your dream college after the first interview didnt go well?:
Neither do I. I expect that it would have gone just about as badly as this did if something like that did happen, though.
Exactly what is John McCain thinking? He looked exactly like a Dad trying to get his daughter out of hot water and suddenly remembering that the only way for her to do that would be for her to do that, herself.
Well, guess what? Whatever slim notions we did still have that Sarah Palin could hold her own were just disabused. Thats all thanks to you John. No one else to blame. Although I am sure you will find some way to try to blame Barack Obama, John. It's all you have left.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Video via TPM.
It's got electoral votes. It's what politicians crave.
Sunday Night
5 hours ago