I myself, once upon a time, liked a straight talking Republican from Arizona. He was once one of the few Republicans on the national scene that I would have ever considered voting for. The last few months, and especially the last few weeks and days, have been very painful for anyone who ever believed the words coming from the mouth of the senior Senator from Arizona.
As such, I had been considering writing something expressing my utter disgust with Sen. John McCain's relatively recent choices to completely abandon what were his previously stated principles. All the while, disingenuously trying to maintain that he is still a maverick, still a reformer, still an honorable person who happens to be a politician.
Then, I read Andrew Sullivan's post earlier. The post: McCain's Integrity I cannot neither match nor exceed his eloquence, so, despite the fact that I was never a supporter of his, I will allow his post to speak for myself as well. I as sure it's speak for a great many people.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
1 hour ago