Well, I think John McCain needs this like the proverbial hole in the head:
Not only are these pro-life Catholics not voting for you, they are running ads that can only have a net negative effect on your evangelical base. Nice.
Maybe this is some backhanded way of supporting the only Catholic on either ticket, Joe Biden?
It certainly helps Barack Obama and Joe Biden a lot more than you would think a pro-life Catholic organization might want to do. What? Who the heck are you folks gonna vote for? Bob Barr? He's almost as hypocritical as McCain on abortion.
Oh well. We'll take the help anyway :-)
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
P.S.- The group, since I didn't mention it in the post is Catholics United. I, as a reformed Catholic, don't support their views, nevertheless I usually post a link if I'm posting your video. So there's the link.
Tesla Sucs
6 hours ago