Friday, August 29, 2008

Wonder what these numbers will mean for the bump?

You have to wonder what these ratings will mean for the 'convention bounce?' From Reuters:

Over 38 million Americans tuned in for television coverage of Barack Obama accepting the Democratic nomination for U.S. president on Thursday in what is believed to be the most watched convention speech ever.


By comparison, 24.4 million viewers saw the 2004 Democratic nominee, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, give his acceptance speech, and fewer still, 21.8 million, tuned in for the final night of the 2000 convention when then-Vice President Al Gore was nominated as the party's standard bearer.

Makes you kind of go WOW! The average Gallup bounce is 5 points. One wonders if for reasons of both quality and quantity Obama's might be bigger?

We'll find out for sure Monday with the release of the regular Gallup Poll.

So far Rasmussen has Obama up 46-43 in their daily tracking poll which does not yet include the speech. It's 49-45 when 'leaners' are included.

Gallup's daily has Obama up 49-41! It also was conducted almost entirely pre-speech.

Those seem to indicate a pretty sizable bounce. One has to wonder what, if anything, Sen. John McCain's selection of Governor Sarah Palin as a running mate will do to affect those numbers.

Wait and see. Wait and see.

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

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