So who will McCain pick? Keep in mind, as you read through, that McCain has consistently said that he will pick someone ready to lead the country themselves as his pick.

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty? He seems to have been everyones front runner despite the "who?" factor he will generate as a pick. Personally, I think there is the experience factor here as well. President Pawlenty? Is he ready?
Problem is, he says he will be attending the Minnesota State Fair today. That is not in Dayton, Ohio where John McCain will be announcing his pick.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney? He has been a front runner. He has the experience. He is also a potentially disastrous pick.
Conservatives don't trust McCain any further than they can throw him. They can, however, throw him farther than Romney. This would be a good experience pick but I think that it would be at the expense of totally alienating the conservative base that he has been working so hard to court for the last two years.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin? Her name has resurfaced in the last 24 hours.
I wonder, as Powerline does, if this would not be universally viewed as a desperation pick.
I think she seems like a nice person but exactly how does John McCain explain to the American people that she is ready to be president, if need be, on day one? Barack Obama had more experience on his first day in the senate.
If you're looking to swing for the fences but willing to swing and miss she might not be a bad bet. She has more upside than Mitt. I guess that is saying something.
I am not willing to guess here. Unlike the Democratic hopefuls, I do not see a logical pick here. I honestly think it would be better for McCain if he could get away with not having to select anyone. None of these people seem to actually help him.
If I am a Republic(an), I am depressed. It will probably be Palin or Romney as they are both reportedly in Dayton. Oops. Update: Romney will supposedly NOT be at the rally. Of course, Palin's spokesperson says she will be at the Alaska State Fair but a Gulfstream did fly from Anchorage to Cincinnati last night.
Who knows. I suppose it could still be my former Senator Joe Lieberman (?-CT). Boy! Wouldn't that guarantee there would be no such thing as McCain Democrats! I am not going to get too worked up about this. I don't see a 'good' pick from McCain's perspective. I don't envy him his choice. We shall soon see who it is.
Comments welcome,
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