Perhaps there is hope for America! Someone else noticed that there is a convention going on!
Jeremy McCarter has a great article over at Newsweek Online decrying the coverage the major networks are giving the convention. The major speakers get seen, everyone else gets ignored. Unless, of course, you are watching C-Span (highly recommended.)
Same point I made in my post about Jim Leach's speech yesterday.
It's pretty ridiculous. Nobody even saw one of the great speeches of the convention, with Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer. (I may have a separate post about that later. He was fabulous.)
OH!!! I'm sorry! I forgot! We need managed news coverage. We can't evaluate ourselves. We need to know what to think about "post-revisionism". Yeah...right...I'll get back to you on that.
I never liked managed care for health and I don't like managed news for information. I'll decide for myself guys. Occasional commentary is great but, as I said in yesterday's post, this coverage is more about the commentary and commentators than about the event and it's participants.
Stick a fork in it, folks. It sucks.
Thank goodness someone else noticed the crappy coverage. Thank you, Jeremy McCarter. Thank you for, at least, making me have a small glimmer of hope for mainstream media coverage.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Tesla Sucs
6 hours ago