Friday, August 29, 2008

Some more Palin reactions

Kare Rove gave the pick a thumbs up:

It is interesting to note from the interview that:

He basically said this is win-win for the next five days and the following sixty two would involve some work.
He said the Obama campaign would be crazy for attacking inexperience. I have yet to hear a conservative talking head who doesn't bring up her inexperience. I have yet to hear a major Obama official do so. Like I said: Everyone else will do the dirty work. Obama, Biden and the liberals can sit back and watch.

HuffPo has re-featured a Chris Kelly article from May about Sarah Palin.

Over the weekend, the Anchorage Daily News discovered a whole new reason Governor Palin is the perfect person to be the next Dick Cheney:

She can look you in eye and tell you black is white.

Especially when there's oil involved.

Interesting read. Highly recommend.

Campaign Money Watch:

Palin Pick Underscores McCain’s Loss of Maverick Reformer Credentials
Washington, D.C. – Campaign Money Watch, a nonpartisan campaign finance watchdog, released the following statement today from its director, David Donnelly, regarding Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) selection of Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) to be his vice presidential running mate:

“In choosing Governor Palin, Senator McCain is clearly trying to shore up his past maverick reformer image – an image that is now in tatters due to the type of campaign he’s run and the big money lobbyists he depends on every day of the week,” Donnelly said.

“This selection raises plenty of questions,” Donnelly continued. “She bills herself as a reformer, but has been silent on whether she supports public financing of elections in her own state. As governor of an oil-producing state, she’s been a friend to Big Oil. Given John McCain’s extensive fundraising from Big Oil, her selection raises concerns of whether the McCain-Palin ticket will promise the same access for oil companies and their lobbyists that we’ve seen for nearly eight years from the Bush-Cheney administration.”

Gov. Palin recently told a reporter, “When I look every day, the big oil company's building is right out there next to me, and it's quite a reminder that we should have mutually beneficial relationships with the oil industry.” For John McCain, that mutually beneficial relationship includes millions in campaign donations.

Tony Campbell at The Moderate Voice

I am still scratching my head over this one because there were much better picks ideologically (Romney), geographically (Pawlenty), and for winning the election through the Electoral College (Ridge). Heck, if the decision was focused on winning disaffected Clinton voters, Senator Elizabeth Dole would have been a much better pick.

He also has some questions about McCain's age and judgement related to this pick.

There's a wide array of opinion here. I will have more.

Comments welcome,

Pat McGovern

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