Check out the grand "I will not do negative campaigning" strategy of the John McCain campaign:
Is this seriously how they expect to win the election. You mean this is how Al Gore should have run against George W. Bush in 2000? No issues? Or at least, no issues represented properly. Blatant lies which have been debunked repeatedly?
Now, at least with George, we wouldn't have had to make stuff up like the "tax increase if you make over $42,000" thing. (BTW, the grand old man from Arizona still has no real plan to reduce the deficit, never mind paying for his own new ideas. Another reason to make this kind of crap. It deflects attention from that.)
Still, I think the high road looks a little better.
After all, in the story, the one taking the low road was drowned in the end.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Tesla Sucs
5 hours ago