I am baffled by the fact that regardless of when I decide to resume making post on current events, the events of the day inevitably draw me to post multiple times, and incessantly, on one given topic.
This occured last year with the Walter Reed scandal and the original Wandering Donkey. Sad to say, I have lost those posts. You may be able to ressurect them on archive.org but I don't have time to.
Now onward to the fact that I am posting at least once a day on the Georgia-Russia crisis. (You may indeed read into the order of the nations in my title.)
In my previous post I asked why Mikhail Saakashvili might be expected to sign a peace agreement with the terms outlined. I responded with, what I thought, to be a well reasoned argument that he should not.
However, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili has done exactly that.
The fact that the Georgians have signed a Cease Fire agreement is somewhat significant.
First, I give a number of reasons why this should NOT have been done on my previous post.
Second, and a point I did not consider earlier, is that Russia has not yet agreed to these conditions! WTF was French President Nicolas Sarkozy doing in Moscow? Apparently he was putting together a peace deal that was up to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to shove down the throats of the combatants. I personally thought the Russian side was covered. I guess this was wrong. (I hope you enjoyed your visit to the Kremlin, Nick. I'd love to get such a deal!)
Apparently, the Russians now have to sign this. This is not a big thing if it gives what was told before. This would include the ability of Russian troops to move into proper Georgian territory if it's citizens, troops or integrity were threatened.
Hell, I'd be all over signing that. I don't necessarily think that is the same thing they thought they would be signing two days ago though.
I have a feeling that some sort of switch has taken place.
Time, and the various news agencies will tell.
In the meantime, given the past knowns and rhetoric, Mikhail Saakashvili made a mistake today.
Given that he went to Columbia; I think there is a different interpretation that will come to light.
Russia, cannot win this, despite their overconfident attitude. They lose. The west and Georgia win. Does Medvedev lose credibility? Absolutely! Does it mean change? Probably not.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
Little Buddy
1 hour ago