Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) is in Denver for the Democratic National Convention that opens today. There are reports that, if he is healthy enough, he may make a public appearance at the convention. Whether that would involve saying something on the dais or merely waving to everyone from a luxury box at the Pepsi Center is unclear.
Does this have any effect on the fractiousness that seems to continue between the Obama and Clinton camps. Well..yes and no.
Heck, all democrats love Ted. He may occasionally be a overblown left wing nut job who has a checkered past but he is our overblown left wing nut job with a checkered past. He is as close to royalty as the democrats have. Everyone will cheer.
Still, the Clintonites have not forgotten that the Kennedy family, and Ted in particular, came out for Obama instead of Hillary.
Verdict: Who knows. We'll see how it all plays out. I think it would be great for Ted to make an appearance. I also think these Hillary supporters need to get their noses back in joint before they become the equivalent of the Ralph Nader supporters of 2000.
We won't know the success of this convention until November. This convention needs to unify the democrats in one common purpose: Making sure that Senator John McCain is not our next president. Convention bumps and all the other crap will not matter if that goal is not attained.
If Barack Obama is our next president it will have been a great convention. If John McCain comes from behind...well, this convention didn't do any better than John Kerry's "We shall not speak ill of G.W." convention four years ago.
After lord knows how many months of this stuff, it'll be great to finally start the last leg of this election. Have fun watching!
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
1 hour ago