Sen. John Edwards today admitted to having had an affair with a campaign worker.
The full statement is available via Ben Smith. Shaun Mullen and Pete Abel have been reporting on this, ably as usual, over at The Moderate Voice.
My reaction is much the same as with most of his supporters. Shock, anger, disgust.
That being said, I agree with Pete Abel who said: "If only more politicians would speak with such candor when weaving and getting caught in their own webs." in his post at The Moderate Voice. It doesn't excuse the senator nor does it absolve him but it does show him to be accountable in a way that few politicians in recent memory have been willing to accept.
Maybe he will start a trend?
A better trend would be marital fidelity. Now there is a new concept for these alpha males.
Comments welcome,
Pat McGovern
31 minutes ago