Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alledged Assasination Plot

I haven't posted on this, and did not intend to, but it is apparently going to be a continuing story so...

First off, this isn't a failed assasination attempt. See here. There is a huge difference between wanting to assasinate someone and being a 'credible threat.' Normally, I wouldn't want the job of determining a 'credible threat' but here I don't think it is all that hard in this case.

The reason I have decided to post on this is because The Smoking Gun has now posted "Because Obama Is Black" which includes copies of the affidavits filed with the drug and gun charges against Tharin Gartrell, Nathan Johnson, and Shawn Adolf in Federal court. This story, of course, got Dugg up and thus it will not die the natural death it so richly deserves.

This story has a telling subtitle: Denver plot revealed, but only gun and drug charges for three

You know why that is what they were being charged with? Because they can't find any one of their own asses with all three pairs of hands much less make a serious attempt on the life of a presidential candidate with the world's best security service enveloping him!

These guys are dangerous, yes, but more dangerous to themselves than the candidate. No one is going to convict them on conspiracy charges because no one will believe they were capable of getting beyond the talking stage and, even if they were, no one would believe they would have come anywhere near pulling anything off!

These guys are a bunch of drug users, who are also possibly white supremicists, and are most certainly racists, and had guns. Go NRA!

These guys need to go to jail. This story needs to die. There are always nut jobs out there. I am glad these ones are off the street.

Good. The cops did their job. But the drug and gun charges are the real crimes here anyway. The fact that they talked about killing Obama? Well, that's just more stupidity and not based in any reality.

Just for your titillation here is an interview of Nathan Johnson:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Of course there was no credible threat! Do you really think this guy and his friends could have gotten anywhere near Barack Obama? Is it really a conspiracy/plot if it had no chance of ever happening?

These guys are lucky they got caught when they did. If they had actually tried to go through with any part of whatever their hair-brained scheme may or may not have actually been, they would have been facing bigger charges at best or, more likely, an undertaker.

Thus, the end of the story. At least, until somebody figures out a way to link these guys in a conspiracy to the Clintons at which point I will try as hard as I can to find a way to move to the moon.

Comments welcome, but not completely necessary on this tripe,

Pat McGovern

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